
Why Your Wardrobe Isn't Just A Collection Of Clothes

Hey everyone ! As a wardrobe strategist and style mindset coach, I’ve spent countless hours going through closets, coordinating outfits, and staying ahead of what’s in next.

But, while fashion is about celebrating individuality and art, we are also leaving our own set of environmental footprints. Next month I am creating a series about maintaining your style with sustainability, ensuring that our love for fashion doesn't come at the planet's expense.

Some hard-to-ignore fashion facts:

  • Rapid Turnover: Did you know the average American sends about 81 pounds of clothing to landfills every year?

  • We are Using Lots of water: Producing just one cotton t-shirt consumes water equivalent to what you might sip over 2.5 years. Imagine that next time you're deciding between two similar tees.

  • Let's discuss emissions: Fashion isn't just about looking good; it's increasing the carbon levels too.

This industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions, more than all international flights and sea shipping!

We are going to discuss how we can be a stylish yet impactful part of the solution in my upcoming four-part style and sustainability series:

  • “Creating a Sustainable Closet by shopping your closet": A deep dive into decluttering and refining your wardrobe, ensuring it's as stylish as it is eco-conscious.

  • "Consign Like A Pro": what, how and where to resell those once-loved pieces, making room for the new reimaged wardrobe and style

  • "Sharing your style ": Let's find those deserving homes for your pre-loved garments, ensuring they continue their fashion journey sustainably.

  • "The Art of Upcycling & Recycling": From DIY fashion tips to knowing when and where to recycle, turn your old pieces into eco-chic masterpieces.

Your wardrobe isn’t just a collection of clothes; it’s a curated reflection of your history, life, style, and values.

It's our shared responsibility towards Mother Earth.

We can be both fabulous and green! I hope you find this series interesting, helpful and fun: And Remember sustainable style is REAL HIGH Fashion!

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